Gunung Raung & Kawah Ijen, Surabaya Indonesia - 2 till 8 November 2018
My second last hiking trip for 2018 was Mount Kinabalu that was on 25 - 28 October 2018. My last hiking trip for 2018 was a week after that 2 - 8 November 2018 to Gunung Raung, Surabaya Indonesia but this time I was on my own without my husband or sons.
I was a bit nervous since I did not know most of the people who joined this trip when I checked the name in the WhatsApp group but luckily there were some familiar names such as Asyraf and Edi (from Kinabalu trip) and Cik Leha, Nana and husband (from CBL trip) and of course Anna and Zaid. Other than that, the names were so unfamiliar.
Before the date to fly to Surabaya, I kept on getting notification from AirAsia regarding the rescheduling of the departure time. Finally, the flight was confirmed QZ8298 ETD 1915hrs. After Asar on Friday 2 November 2018, my husband dropped me to KLIA 2 and suddenly I was all alone in the airport and did everything on my own check-in, luggage drop off, etc.
Later, one by one I saw familiar faces and was introduced to new faces who were in our team. We reached the Juanda International airport around 9 pm and went straight to our hotel -> Hotel Cahaya. My roommate was Andi from Sabah and she is a teacher in Melaka.
DAY 2: 3 NOVEMBER 2018
The next morning we were served breakfast in bed (really, the breakfast was delivered to our room) and later we gathered at the lobby to wait for our transportation to Kawah Ijen and Gunung Raung Basecamp
Finally, the two vans arrived, and actually, we started our journey quite late. We stopped by Warung Wong Solo for lunch and prayer (Zuhor and Asar). Then we continued our journey and stopped at warung Bakso Sumo for Dinner. Finally, around midnight, we reached Hotel Cahaya at Bayuwangi. We were told that early tomorrow morning we would go to Kawah Ijen
Basically, day 2 was -> Makan, makan & makan
- Bed & Breakfast @ Hotel Cahaya
- Lunch @ Wong Solo
- Dinner @ Bakso Sumo
- Lunch @ Wong Solo
- Dinner @ Bakso Sumo
Bakso Sumo
Catimor Homestay
DAY 3: 4 NOVEMBER 2018
- The trip to Kawah Ijen and Mount Raung, Surabaya Indonesia
- Checked-out from Catimor Homestay n headed to Kawah Ijen Entrance by van
- Hiking to Kawah Ijen 2443 mdpl and then continued our trip via van to Bu Soeto Base Camp
- Lunch @Bu Soeto base camp
- Bu Soeto to Pos Pak Sunarya by Ojek
- Overnight @ Camp 2
Hiking to Kawah Ijen was quite tough for me. The path was slippery and it was ascending all the way. However, the view was so beautiful.
DAY 4: 5 NOVEMBER 2018
- Camp 2 to Camp 7
After breakfast, we headed to Camp 3, 4, 5, 6 and finally Camp 7
After breakfast, before heading to Camp 3
Our supercool guide Mas Yohnny
Some of my hiking buddies - Jimmi, Cik Leha, Damia, Farah, Ima, Helmi
My roommate for 3 nights at Camp 2 and Camp 7 - Salina or Sal
Camp 6 - penat nyer bila lah nak sampai Camp 7 ni!!
My roommate inside the tent at Camp 2 and Camp7 - Cikgu Andi. Sal dah penat
Finally, we reached camp 7 around 5 pm
The ladies before we started our hiking to Camp 3
DAY 5: 6 NOVEMBER 2018
- Camp 7 - Camp 9 - Puncak Bendera - Puncak Sejati - Camp 7
- Camp 7 to Camp 8
- Camp 9 for briefing
- Puncak Bendera -> Puncak 17 -> Puncak Tusuk Gigi -> Puncak Sejati (Mount Raung)
- Back to Camp 7
- Camp 9 for briefing
- Puncak Bendera -> Puncak 17 -> Puncak Tusuk Gigi -> Puncak Sejati (Mount Raung)
- Back to Camp 7
Jauh lagi nk smpi puncak, kita rehat n selfie dulu

DAY 6: 7 NOVEMBER 2018
- Camp 7 to Bu Soeto Basecamp
After breakfast, we headed back to BuSoeto Base Camp.
And of course, going down was so easy and fast, alamak kerek ler pulak ....
Tunggu Ojek datang pick up
The Ojek to bring us down to Bu Soeto Basecamp
Renyai2 on our way down. Dapat ler rasa thrill muddy slide
Best nyer!, penat2 hiking dijamu pulak Kopi original buatan sendiri
DAY 7: 8 NOVEMBER 2018
- Basecamp to Denali Adventure Store and Eiger and Juanda Airport
We stopped by somewhere (which I did not know the place) to perform solat Subuh. In Indonesia, most of the musolla is shared for bot men and women so we have to take turn to perform solat Subuh.
After that, the van stopped by Indomaret for the last time (this trip made me fell in love with Indomaret) to go to washroom and buy somethings to eat. Finally, we stopped at sort of RnR to freshen up and have proper breakfast.
After that, we stopped at Denali Adventure Store, Mas Yohnny shop, for some shopping and also Eiger. These two shops are heaven for Hikers. Hilang arah sekejap masing2. Hi..hi..
Finally, we reached the Juanda Airport around noon. I took the opportunity to clean myself and then solat jamak zohor and asar.
Our filght details back to KLIA:
Flight AirAsia QZ330
ETD 1630, ETA 1955
Alhamdulillah, all praises belong to Allah and with His Blessing, all 25 of us managed to see the beautiful Gunung Raung and Kawah Ijen, Surabaya Indonesia.
Subhanallah, alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar
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